Scripture readings -Sixth Sunday of Fifty Days Lent (Catholicate Day)
Before Holy Qurbana
Deuteronomy 25: 13- 16, 26:1 - 13 , Job 42: 1-10
Holy Qurbana
I Peter 4: 12-19 ,
II Corinthians 9 : 6-15/ or/ Ephesians 5: 1-14
St. John 9: 1-41
Before Holy Qurbana
Deuteronomy 25: 13- 16, 26:1 - 13 , Job 42: 1-10
Holy Qurbana
I Peter 4: 12-19 ,
II Corinthians 9 : 6-15/ or/ Ephesians 5: 1-14
St. John 9: 1-41
The book of Deuteronomy asks the Israelites to come before the Priest ,recall their ancestry from a wandering Aramean to be blessed in the land God swore to them. In the second Old Testament reading Prophet Job humbles himself before the Lord in repentance, to be granted the authority to pray for his friends.
In the same light, our Church fathers have taught all along that it is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who gave Church its authority to pray for the world and each of us as its members will have to proceed through the eternal journey in our Baptism to the Second coming of our Lord and God Jesus Christ.
The Catholic epistle forewarns on the judgement that begins in God's household , pleads for those suffering according to God's will to commit themselves to their faithful Creator and do good and rejoice inasmuch as one participate in the suffering of Christ so as to be overjoyed when His glory is revealed. It also mentions that there is a different kind of suffering and outcome if we are the ungodly and sinner who do not obey the gospel of God.
The Epistle reading from St. Paul to the Corinthians speak of the need to be freely generous in giving out the gifts that the Lord has given , how much He Himself will enrich us to be generous on all occasions and to be thankful for the indescribable gift of surpassing grace He has given. The alternative Pauline epistle reminds that the Church with each of us were once in darkness, now the Light in the Lord , to becomes the Light, illuminated in the Light of Christ. The reading specifically tasks us to find out what pleases the Lord to follow God’s example, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved.
The Gospel reading points to the blind who was healed and grows in the knowledge of Christ , realizing his healer as True Light our Lord and God and fall down to worship Him in spite of all detraction. Our Lord proclaims thereafter " For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
It seen so fitting that the Church in His wisdom has chosen this Sunday , the Sunday calling the Church, The Light in Him to be a witness to the World , realising its True King and Lord who alone can heal and deserve worship as the day to commemorate its Catholicate from the Ancient See of St. Thomas and reminder to work within it for His Glory.
May the Lord God Help us in our Journey and Let us call on His mercy , that the Lord will heal us and establish the Church to fulfill its task for His Glory. Amen.
April 7, 2019
Calgary, Canada
The Catholic epistle forewarns on the judgement that begins in God's household , pleads for those suffering according to God's will to commit themselves to their faithful Creator and do good and rejoice inasmuch as one participate in the suffering of Christ so as to be overjoyed when His glory is revealed. It also mentions that there is a different kind of suffering and outcome if we are the ungodly and sinner who do not obey the gospel of God.
The Epistle reading from St. Paul to the Corinthians speak of the need to be freely generous in giving out the gifts that the Lord has given , how much He Himself will enrich us to be generous on all occasions and to be thankful for the indescribable gift of surpassing grace He has given. The alternative Pauline epistle reminds that the Church with each of us were once in darkness, now the Light in the Lord , to becomes the Light, illuminated in the Light of Christ. The reading specifically tasks us to find out what pleases the Lord to follow God’s example, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved.
The Gospel reading points to the blind who was healed and grows in the knowledge of Christ , realizing his healer as True Light our Lord and God and fall down to worship Him in spite of all detraction. Our Lord proclaims thereafter " For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
It seen so fitting that the Church in His wisdom has chosen this Sunday , the Sunday calling the Church, The Light in Him to be a witness to the World , realising its True King and Lord who alone can heal and deserve worship as the day to commemorate its Catholicate from the Ancient See of St. Thomas and reminder to work within it for His Glory.
May the Lord God Help us in our Journey and Let us call on His mercy , that the Lord will heal us and establish the Church to fulfill its task for His Glory. Amen.
April 7, 2019
Calgary, Canada
1 comment:
v41 Jesus said,"If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains." - Meaning What ? The "stubbornness and stupidity" of Pharisees blinded them from knowing the truth, yet He gave them spiritual understanding and insight while rejecting complacent, self-adoring image makers....... [Blessed Easter+ ]
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