It has been a great blessing for me to know in the person of HG Gee Varghese Mar Ivanios of blessed memory. During his life time, a collection of Thirumeni's homilies were shared in the form of a short book by Mar Baselios Dayara (Monastery) in Malayalam 'Maunathinte Lavaniyam' -' Glorious Silence'.
Mr. K.C Thomas , who served the Church diligently and lovingly referred to as the backbone of Church School ministry in Bangalore helped in translating this second chapter. May Thirumeni's prayers continue to guide us to know the will of God in our lives.
[While they were still talking about this, Jesus Himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? … Touch me and see; …. And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” …. and He took it and ate it in their presence] (St Luke 24:36-43).
Where the first twelve Apostles studied, is the first Theological seminary. Christ is their Theological teacher. The above Bible passage is the note from their final class. The Holy Scriptures testify that doubts, disbelief, and conflict still persisted in their minds even at the end of three and a half years of training.
Simon Peter is the chief among the disciples. The peculiarities in the nature of Peter, elected as the Reesh (Head) of the class, is actually a peculiarity visible in all of the disciple community. By nature, he is a symbol of many inconstancies, and basically impulsive. There are many instances recorded in the Gospels showing his peculiar nature:
I.(When Simon Peter sees the Lord walking on the lake, he too desired to walk over the ocean) The Lord called him: ‘‘Come’’. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, beginning to sink. Immediately, the Lord reached out his hand and caught him. Note that the moment Peter turned his attention from the Lord, he started sinking. If anyone turn away from the goal he will fall. This incident also reminds us the danger of indulging in impulsive behaviour with the intention of being at par with Christ. Even today everyone wants to perform miracles suddenly. While walking over dry land, desiring to walk over the water and be the centre of attention. Desire for self-glorification obsession which stands on the way of one’s spiritual growth. (St Matthew 14:22-33)
II.The Lord tells Simon: ‘When you have turned back from evil temptation, strengthen your brothers.’ (St Luke 22:32-34) But he replied: ‘Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.’ To this, Jesus answered, ‘you will deny three times that you know me.’ (Note that in the words of St. Peter, there is assertion to be not as whom the Lord assume, but one who is confident) This self-appraisal in strength and assertions is what our Lord repudiates. Spiritual pride and self-justification are grave obsessions for a believer.
III. At Gethsemane, we see Simon draws out the sword and appears as protector and defender of the Lord. Many a time, we too draw out the sword. We venture to protect God and the Church with the limited scholarship we have with us and our meanness. Yet, at the same time forgetting prayer and supplication. In different forms protectionist forums rise around us and Our Lord reminds, ‘for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.’ Any claim as the protector of God, exhibits our foolishness.
IV. While the Lord talks about His death and resurrection, Peter takes Him aside and says, ‘Never Lord, this shall never happen to you.’ Jesus turned and rebukes him, ‘Get behind me, Satan! . . . . . you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.’ (St Matthew 16:23). When words of Jesus Christ cannot be conceived, Alternatives are identified which in turn is advised to others. Beware that any deviation from Jesus’ path is definitely from Satan. Failure to comprehend the divine path shows the lack of discipline in spiritual life.
V. ‘‘Could you men not keep watch with me for one hour?’’ Overwhelmed with deep sorrow our Lord asks the disciples who were found sleeping. This incident reminds us of the grave spiritual impasse of sleeping while prayer, or being unaware of the necessity of prayer and diligence.
VI. At the occasion of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, Simon rush to stop the Lord and say: ‘No, you shall never wash my feet.’. Failure of St. Peter lies in is the reluctant to accept this basic principle of discipleship bound to obey and approve his Master’s ordinances unconditionally without any doubt.
VII. At the time of Jesus’ arrest we see the disciples desert the Lord. Even after three and half years of association and learning, they fled away from their Master. But, a few women stood near the crucified Lord at the foot of the cross. In fact, this small group of women are the first Women’s Christian Association. It is noteworthy here that those who stood beside the Lord at His crucifixion were the first to witness the resurrected Lord.
Following is the sum total of the progress report of the Apostles who received theological education first: They were people of unbelief, idle, sleepy, doubtful, and impetuous; at the same time, aspiring for fame and popularity by performing wonders and miracles. Their Master taught and instructed them in diverse ways -- through parables, healing, sharing bread, and through exhibiting the mystery of His glory. Still, they could not fully conceive the lessons and the words of the greatest teacher. Even at the Lord’s Supper (dispute existed amongst them), dispute as to who is greatest among them. They might have even forgotten, due to the dispute to wash their Master’s feet as per convention. Here by the Master Himself washing His disciples’ feet and through this example taught ‘who is greatest’.
In spite of the completion of the learning process, Simon Peter decides to go back to his old professional line. He announces the decision to retreat to fishing and the other disciples follow his footsteps. (We too are also in this state.) Even after all the learning, we return to the old. There is a problem with this. The expert fishermen forgot the fishing tactics. They toiled throughout night, but in vain. It is then that the Carpenter instructs the fishermen: ‘‘Throw your net on the right side....’’ It is not who gave the instruction. Obedience is the key here. The significance is not whether the Carpenter has the credibility to instruct, but whether the fishermen will do in accordance with the words of the Carpenter.
We read in the end that Christ rebukes them. ‘‘Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; He rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.’’ (St Mark 16:14). Afterwards, the Lord blessed them with abundant grace. But the disciples even at this point failed to assimilate what they were taught.
They waited. The Holy Spirit descended on them in the form of tongues of fire. They were filled with power which empowered them to realize the mystery of the work and words of the Lord. Perfection of spiritual education is reached only at the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. At that moment, St. Simon opened his mouth. Fiery words came out. From then on, the disciples began to live and die for the Lord.
Let us also wait. Let us wait for renewed spiritual strength, to live and die for the Lord. May we also sanctify the days of vigil with prayer and supplication.
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