Monday, January 3, 2011

Scripture Reading January 3, 2011

Scripture : St. John 1: 1 - 18 , Psalm 1: 1-16
Synaxarium : HG Baselius Mar Gevarghese II
HG John III of Antioch
Lazarus of Turabdin,Turkey
Simeon of Harran
Lazarus of Sarug
Mar Yaqub Tel ada
Departure of St. John Khame
"Let pure faith, therefore, have this confidence, and doubt not that amid the persecutions at the hand of man and the dangers to the soul, it still has God for its helper, knowing that, if at length it comes to a violent and unjust death, the soul on leaving the tabernacle of the body finds rest with God its upholder; let it have, moreover, perfect assurance of the requital in the thought that all evil deeds return upon the heads of those that work them. God cannot be charged with injustice, and perfect goodness is unstained by the impulses and motions of an evil will."
St. Hilary of Poitiers.

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