Saturday, January 8, 2011

Scripture Reading January 09, 2011

First Sunday after Danaha

Scripture :

Evening : St.Mark1:14-34

Morning : St.John1:18-28

Before Holy Qurbana : Genesis25:19-34,30:36-31:2 , IIKings5:1-14 ,Isaiah49:7-13

Holy Qurbana : Acts2:37-47 , Ephesians1:3-14 , St.Matthew4:12-22


Mor Aggai , Episcopa of Edessa

Lukios Martyr , Mor Paule Episcopo and his brother Yuhanon , King Maximus


"Therefore, through patience and the consolation of the Scriptures may we also have hope of consoling ourselves after the afflictions of our distress when we too have been patient in tribulation and call to mind the actions of those who have far excelled us in righteousness and merit and borne far greater trials of adversity than we. For they, on account of the righteousness in which they were quite exemplary, often suffered the persecution of the unrighteous, in order that, by their exercise of righteousness, they might receive the crown of invincible patience, and might, moreover, leave behind for all who followed them the glorious footprints of their perseverance to mark their way."
The Venerable Bede.

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