Saturday, February 9, 2019

Church School Prayers- Basic

Russian Orthodox  Saint Theophan the Recluse reference use of formal prayers  by the Saints within the Church all along  " - If they needed a prayer rule, then we need one even more! Without formal prayers, we would not know how to pray correctly at all. Without them, we would be completely without prayer"

These are some prayers that the Southwest Diocese in North America of the Malankara Orthodox Church have prescribed  .  Even though we might have missed out on a lifetime , As another batch of Church school students are going through their studies , we have yet another opportunity to learn with them. Let us pray that the Lord help each of us to be more earnest in praying with the fathers and through them in His mercy our lives be formed for His Glory.

Prefatory Prayer
Kauma (Trisaigon)
Lord’s Prayer
Peace to you Mary… ( Hail Mary)
O Thou, Full of Mercy…(Anugrahangal Niranjirikkunnavane)
O Jesus Christ, Our Lord…(Moran Yeshu Meshiho)
You, That Sit In the Shelter of the Most High…(PSALMS 91 and 121-Uyarapettavante Rehasyasthalathirickunnavan)
O Lord, Who Sittest in the Secret Place of the Most High…(Prayer of Mor Severios-Uyarapettavante Marayilirickunnavan)
Blessed is the Glory of the Lord, From His Place Forever…(Praise of the Cherubim-Ezekiel 3:12-Ennekkum Thante Idathil Ninnum)
The Nicene Creed
Lord Thy Mercy On Us Cast…Mercy Show, and Grant Our Need.(Boovooso D’ Mor Ephrem-Nangalkulla Karthave)
O Holy Father, Guard Us By Thy Sacred Name…At All Times, Forever. Amen (Shudhamulla Bava)
Lord Awaken Us From our Slumber…Now and Always Forever. Amen. (Urakkamillatha Unarvullavan)
Halleluiah, Halleluiah, Halleluiah Glory Be to Thee O Lord;…
Glory Be To the Trinity…(Trithuathinu Stuthi)
Just As the Exalted Angels and the Arch-angels of Heaven…(Angelic hymn-Melulla Uyarangalil)
Have Mercy Upon Me…(Deyvame Ninte Krupa Pole)
How Good It Is To Give Thanks To Thee…of Thy Eternal Name. Amen.(Karthavine Kondaduvanum)
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…For Our Salvation. Amen(Bavayum Puthranum Shudamulla Ruhayumaya)