Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Simple Prayer Rule

While the Church in India in its encounter with the West Syrian Church from 17th Century adopted the Liturgical Prayers and Tradition, though hard to admit publicly many fail to consistently make the prayers personal on a daily basis and yearn our heart to encounter our Lord and God Jesus Christ.
In searching , came across on simple prayer rule by Fr. Maxym Lysak. He encourage and prescribes starting with some main Liturgical prayers, Psalm, Scripture readings as prayed with the Church (From Lectionary), Intercessory prayers and end with the Jesus Prayer for 2 to a maximum of 5 minutes.
On the Jesus prayer, he cautions not to count the prayer, just pray with sweetness, with devotion to Lord that the Heart picks it up until it becomes communion.  In addition, through out the day, we should find a way to bring to mind constant memory of God.  Pray it help. 
 Malankara Orthodox Christians could probably start the  Kauma include the Prayer O Lord Jesus Christ and in the morning add Psalm 63, 148. In the evening include Psalm 91 and Creed. As the Orthodox Church in India do not have a daily readings  like others, say the Coptic Church, we can probably adopt portions of the Weekly Scripture readings from the  Church Lectionary.


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