Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Nativity Patristic Quotes - Shared by Fr. Timothy Thomas through E-MGOCSM platform

There has always been this blessed Tradition in the Church to use Patristic quotes , encouraging letters , sharing of what was heard , seen and encountered experiences  to bring to Him, to hold and sustain us in Him Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Sharing some thoughts/quotes by Fr. Timothy (Tenny) Thomas and this ministry of the Church through E-MGOCSM . Pray it encourage each one of us students.   

Day 1 Preparing Our Hearts for Christ – A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord, Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” Prophet  Isaiah

Day 2- – “He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty.” St. Mary

Day 3 - Prayer is our lifeline. It is through withdrawal into God’s presence that we find strength for our spiritual journey. This Advent, let us remember that true joy comes from abiding in God’s love. On our knees in prayer, we are strengthened to stand boldly in a world that pulls us away from Him. Father Antony Coniaris

Day 4 - But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons.” - St. Paul 

Day 5 “Glory to that One who became lowly, though the heavens are full of His glory! He took on poverty so that He might make all rich with His riches.” -Saint Ephrem the Syrian 

Day 6  “The presence of the true light dispels all darkness and gives life to the soul. Without the light of Christ, the soul cannot see its Creator nor find its way to Him.” Saint Athanasius 

Day 7  “The Infinite became finite, the Invisible became visible, and the Creator of all entered into the limits of human nature, so that He might lead us beyond our limits into the infinite love of God.” Saint Gregory of Nyssa

Day 8 - “John was the herald of Christ, teaching us that preparation of the soul through repentance is the way to meet the Lord, for He enters hearts made ready for His presence.” - St. Cyril of Alexandria

Day 9 - "God visits His people not with fleecing gifts ,but with Eternal gift of redemption . His promises are never forgotten and His salvation is not delayed ,but revealed in the fullness of time' - St. Gregory the Great 

Day 10 - "In Christ ,the light of God's mercy rises dispelling the shadow of sin and leading humanity into the eternal peace of His kingdom. Let us walk in this light that we may become children of the day' -St. Cyril of Alexandria. 

Day 11- 'When you generously give to the poor, you lend to God Himself , for the hands of the needy are the treasury of Christ' - St. John Chrysostom

Day 12 - “The angels sang a hymn of peace, for in Christ, the world would be reconciled. Their hallelujah echoes in the hearts of those who embrace His light and live in His love.” Saint Ephrem the Syrian 

Day 13 “The star that led the Magi is the light of divine wisdom, which guides the faithful to Christ. Those who seek Him with pure hearts and steadfast faith will never be left wandering in darkness.” Saint Basil the Great 

Day 14" “The Son of God became what we are in order to make us what He is Himself.” Saint Irenaeus

Day 15 -“Joseph’s obedience was not merely an act of duty but of love. His silence teaches us that true faith seeks not words but deeds, trusting fully in the providence of God." Saint John Chrysostom

Day 16 “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call His name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).”  -Saint Matthew 1:23 

Day 17 "The Magi saw the Child and marveled; they beheld heaven and earth united in Him. In humble adoration, they bowed, for in Him was the fullness of divinity revealed in the frailty of humanity.” Saint Ephrem the Syrian 

Day 18  “Heaven came down to earth, not to be diminished, but to lift the earth to heaven. The Nativity is the condescension of God’s love and the exaltation of humanity into His divine life” Saint Gregory of Nyssa 

Day 19 “Let us celebrate the Nativity by adorning our souls with virtues, and by offering to Christ the treasures of a pure and humble heart.” -Saint John Chrysostom  

Day 20 “What greater gift can we offer Christ than a heart free of greed and filled with love for our neighbor? Let us share what we have with those in need, for in them, we find Christ Himself.”  Saint John Chrysostom

Day 21  “Love silence above all things, for it brings you near to the fruit of the Spirit. Silence will illuminate you in God’s presence and deliver you from the noise of vain thoughts.” Saint Isaac the Syrian

Day 22  “In the genealogy, we see both the human and the divine: God working through the frailty of man to bring forth His eternal plan. Let us marvel at His wisdom and mercy, for even in brokenness, He brings forth salvation.” Saint John Chrysostom 

Day 23  “The person who loves God cannot help but love every human being as well. Such a person cannot hold on to money, but shares it generously, imitating God, who gives everything to all and desires that all should be saved.” Saint Maximus the Confessor 

Day 24-  “The Word became man, that we might become divine. He took on what is ours, so that He might give us what is His. In Him, we see the fullness of God’s love, spoken not in words alone, but in life itself.” Saint Athanasius 

Day 25 - “The shepherds saw the glory of God and were not consumed by fear, for in Christ, the transcendent became immanent. His glory does not destroy but illumines, calling us to share in His peace and joy.” Saint Gregory of Nyssa